A Tradition of Alumni Pride Since 1969


Fall Newsletter and Homecoming 2024 Registration

16 Sep 2024 2:53 PM | Sarah Harper (Administrator)

Have you heard? Our Fall 2024 Newsletter now available. Be sure to read it today!. 

We are excited to announce that registration for 2024 WVU Homecoming Weekend for the WVU Alumni Band, Inc is now open! We hope you'll join us in Morgantown October 18-19, 2024 as we celebrate 55 years of alumni pride! 

Verified and dues-paying members can get updated information about Homecoming Weekend 2024 online. Please read all materials.  

Below you will find some highlights about this exciting weekend and the registration process!

New for 2024

The WVU Alumni Band and The Pride of West Virginia will have a joint performance at halftime. Besides combining with The Pride for part of pregame, we will honor the life and legacy of Don Wilcox, former Director of Bands Emeritus and Director of the WVU Alumni Band, by joining The Pride for a special performance at halftime. Details forthcoming.

Back by Popular Demand

Early Game Day Packet and Party Ticket Pick Up - We are once again offering game day packet pick-up and check-in for the Friday party at the College of Creative Arts and Media (CCAM) Friday, October 18, from 10am-2pm. If you miss us at the CCAM, you can check-in at the door for the party or the indoor practice facility (IPF) behind the stadium on game day.

Game Day Parking - We will have a limited number of passes for the Tan Lot. These will be allocated based on the date and time you submit your game day registration. Those receiving a pass will be able to pick it up on Friday at the CCAM from 10am-2pm or at the lot entrance Saturday (time to be determined).

Homecoming Party

The party will be held at The Brew Pub located at 1291 University Ave, Morgantown, WV 26505 (between Walnut Street and Pleasant Street). Tickets are $30 per person and will not be available at the door. Attendees must be 21 years of age or older. The party will feature an informal program including games, auction items, and the WVU Marching Band Seniors! A great menu is planned.

Game Day

Member game ticket price is $45 and a guest ticket is $70.

You must be registered in order to participate in pre-game and halftime, even if you have your own ticket. You will need credentials from us in order to have access to Mountaineer Field.

We will not have a schedule for game day finalized until the game kick-off time is announced and logistics for our two performances is finalized with WVU Athletics and the the band office. Expect our schedule to begin at least 6 hours before kick-off. We will send out updates concerning game day practice times as more information becomes available. Updates will also be available on the Game Day Detailed Schedule website page the week of the game.

Equipment Rentals

Instruments and equipment rentals.  The rental cost is $20 (nonrefundable fee) at the time of registration. Please remember to bring your $50 deposit (check - no cash please) and a fully completed rental agreement with you the first time you pick up your rental. You will receive your $50 deposit back when the instrument is returned to the truck to the equipment manager. Rentals will only be provided to those submitting registrations prior to Homecoming weekend. See more information at the website. 

Guard members who donated to have their own pole and flag will still need to register for equipment. Please select the no cost option in the registration.

Dues and Registration

Dues must be paid before you register for Homecoming events. Please see information to register for 2024 Homecoming events.  

Online registration closes October 10, 2024 and payments made by mail must be postmarked by October 10, 2024. Any payments and/or paper registrations not received by the due date are subject to cancellation. Late registrations are subject to a $35 late fee. A wait list will be available at the registration portal until WednesdayOctober 16, 2024. If you take a chance and register the day of the event, you will need to come to the registration table at the IPF to see if we have tickets left. We do not issue refunds. Please plan accordingly.

*Please note that registrations for the parade and party are separate from game day events. This allows us to properly account for member attendance for the party and game day tickets.

We look forward to seeing you in Morgantown October 18-19!


2024 Officers and Board of Directors, WVU Alumni Band, Inc.

  WVU Alumni Band, Inc.
  WVU Alumni Association

  PO Box 4269

  Morgantown, WV 26504

Copyright © 1999-2025. West Virginia University Alumni Band.

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Supporting the WVU Marching Band with Pride 

Charter Member of the National Association of Alumni Bands 



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